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Green Club


The Green Club (GC) is a joint initiative of the Higher and Technical Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, and UNICEF Maharashtra with Technical support from ACWADAM,CEE and Why Waste with a mission for water conservation for youth in 13 districts in Maharashtra.

The TIMSCDR Green Club (GC) is created to foster environmental stewardship values among students.The aim of the club is to create a Climate Action movement among youths through various innovative and classical methods.Under Green club, students are empowered to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects .Following are the themes under green club:

  • Water Conservation

  • Waste Management

  • Energy Conservation 

  • Biodiversity Conservation

Academic Year – 2023-24

TIMSCDR Green Club: Compost from Nirmalya 

On September 29,2023 TIMSCDR Green Club Conducted Compost from Nirmalya Activity. 146 students participated in the activity. Nirmalya from students were collected in the compost box to prepare compost.

TIMSCDR Green Club:Soak pit Awareness Skit for water conservation

Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR) organized a one day visit to Sange-Nane Village, Palghar on November 9 , 2023. Total 10 students participated in the skit performance.The Skit demonstrated the importance of water and spread awareness of soak pit building.

TIMSCDR Green Club:Embankment building(Konkan Vijay Bandhara)

Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR) organized a one day visit to Sange-Nane Village, Palghar on November 9 , 2023. Along with our Director Dr. Vinita Gaikwad,  37 students and 5 faculties participated in building Konkan Vijay Bandhara.The Embankment building helped villagers to store and conserve rain water.

TIMSCDR Green Club:Tree plantation

Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR) organized a one day visit to Sange-Nane Village, Palghar on November 9 , 2023. Along with our Director Dr. Vinita Gaikwad,  37 students and 5 faculties participated in Tree plantation.

TIMSCDR Green Club : Repair Leaking Tap

On February 28th, 2024 TIMSCDR Green Club Conducted the Repair Leaking Tap Activity. 30 students participated in the activity. Students Visited the Institutes coolers, washrooms to identify leaking taps and fixed them.

TIMSCDR Green Club : Poster Making on “Save Water”

On March 5th,,2024 TIMSCDR Green Club Conducted the Poster Making Activity. 10 students participated in the activity. Students prepared the posters on “Save Water” and presented them in the college premises.

TIMSCDR Green Club: Rally on “Save Water”

On March 21st, 2024 TIMSCDR Green Club Conducted the Rally on Save Water Activity. 80 students participated in the Rally. StudentsPrepared Banners of taglines and posters for the Rally. TagLines such as: ”Every drop matters”,”Jal Hi Jeevan Hai”.

TIMSCDR Green Club: Tree plantation

On June 15th, 2024, the TIMSCDR Green Club conducted the tree plantation activity. 10 Teaching and Non-Teaching staff participated in the plantation. 10 pants were of 3 parijat, 3 kaduneem 3 bel and 1 awla were planted in the football field besides the college campus.

TIMSCDR Green Club: Beach cleanup

On May 18th, 2024 TIMSCDR Green Club and DLLE Conducted the Beach cleanup Activity in association with the NGO project Mumbai at Juhu Chowpatty, Mumbai. 152 students participated in the cleanup drive. Students also received certificates from NGO.

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