Book Stacking Area
- Capacity : 15,000 Books
- Subject wise labelled cupboards.
- Collection of CDs/ DVDs procured along with books & periodicals. .
6 National Journals and International Journals, 190 IEEE ASPP International (e-journals) and students project reports catering to the needs of students in research and project areas.
General Reading Section
- Seating Capacity – 100
- Air conditioned room
- Facilities: News papers, notice board with latest updates
- Resources available: Journals, magazines, encyclopaedia, handbooks, dictionaries, thesaurus.
Digital Library
9 DELL opti-plex i3 18.5 inches LCD monitor with high speed @100 mbps internet connection
4 connection points for Laptop use
Seating capacity: 13
Fully air-conditioned
100 mbps leased line dedicated internet connection to access e- resources like e-Books, online Journals, soft copy of syllabus, question papers, project reports etc.
Students can search available books in Koha – OPAC.
Library Services
- News Paper Clipping Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Reference Service
- Referral Service
- Indexing Service through OPAC
- New Arrival Display
- Access to back issues of Journals
- Book Bank Service
- Best Reader Award
- Book Reader Club