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Women Entrepreneurs

TIMSCDR is having Women’s Development Cell to achieve following objectives:

  • To organize seminars, workshops relating to women empowerment for development of women and to enhance their self confidence
  • To create social awareness about the problems of women

Networking – Women Entrepreneurs

To encourage entrepreneurship amongst young Women Graduates of TIMSCDR and also to facilitate business opportunities to other Women Entrepreneurs who are members to AUP, TIMSCDR has provided the classroom facility for conduct of Networking Meetings. During these meetings Women Entrepreneurs network with one another and share their experiences and also opportunities to help each other to excel in their respective businesses.

Academic Year 2023-24

International Women’s Day celebration

TEG WDC cell organized International Women’s Day celebration on 7th March , 2024 from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm . The session aimed to provide participants with valuable insights and guidance on various aspects of women’s health and wellness. Attendees were treated to enlightening keynote speeches from accomplished women leaders, who shared their insights and experiences on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to leadership and beyond. The session emphasized the importance of menstrual health and carrier opportunities. The highlight of the event was the presentation of the TEG Alumnae Achievers Awards, where the outstanding achievements of TEG alumnae were celebrated and recognized. Attendees left the session with a better understanding of women’s health, practical tips for maintaining their well-being.

Academic Year 2022-23

International Women’s Day celebration

Guest Lecture on “Women’s Wellness” by Dr. Mukesh Gupta as a part of the International Women’s Day celebration on 11th April 2023 from 9.45 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. The session aimed to provide participants with valuable insights and guidance on various aspects of women’s health and wellness.

The session emphasized the importance of regular check-ups, menstrual health, reproductive health, lifestyle, and wellness. Attendees left the session with a better understanding of women’s health, practical tips for maintaining their well-being and awareness about cancer vaccination.


Academic Year 2021-22

International Women’s Day celebration

WDC and DLLL SWS cell of TIMSCDR organized Guest Lecture on “Women’s Menstrual Health” by Dr. Nilima Vaidya Bhamare as a part of International Women’s Day celebration on 8th March 2022 from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. in hybrid mode Dr. Nilima Vaidya Bhamare discussed how to take care of our self during Menstrual cycle. She spread awareness around Menstrual Hygiene among participants

Academic Year 2020-21
Guest session on “Women’s Day – Infinitude “by Ms. Rhea Pai, COO-TEG

Guest session on “Women’s Day – Infinitude “by Ms. Rhea Pai, COO-TEG as a part of International Women’s Day celebration on 22nd March 2021 from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
The session started with address on International Women’s day with the core objective to do some self-introspection unto self-realisation.

A pledge was taken by all the participants to mark the International Women’s day and commit to work towards the Self can and choose to be powerful, grateful to born as a women, nurture & nourish the feminine energies for well being of whole self

Later, the male members were invited to be part of the session and applause was exchanged between female and male members with a standing ovation for each other thereby communicating an equal and interdependent role of male and female energies in the Universe

International Women’s Day celebration

WDC cell of TIMSCDR organized online International Women’s day in association of AUP on “Women Health” by Dr. Mukesh Gupta and Dr. Anjali Tayde as a part of International Women’s Day celebration on 8 March 2021 from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Dr. Mukesh Gupta discussed how to take care of our self and explain importance of health . Dr. Anjali Tayde share her success mantras on how to become a successful entrepreneur.



Academic Year – 2019-20

Guest lecture on “Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship ” by Amhi Udhyogini

Guest talks on “Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship” were organized on 28th February, 2020 in association with Aamhi Udyogini Prathishthan(AUP). Dr. Anjali Tayade, owner of Arthita Bags, Mumbai, shared her own entrepreneur journey. Ms. Vaishali Kandalgoankar, owner of Shradha classes discussed various case studies on how to grab opportunities from small ideas to become successful entrepreneurs



Guest lecture on “Online Advertising Techniques" by Ms. Aarti Rahul Mhaskar

On 21st January 2020 , Ms. Aarti Rahul Mhaskar delivered talk on Online Advertising Techniques as a powerful eMarketing tactic for targeting more customer and expanding online business.


MoU with AUP

On 3rd December, 2019 MoU was signed to Amhi Udhyogini Prathishthan (AUP) to conduct activities to promote Women Entrepreneurship amongst the young women graduates of TIMSCDR.

‘Aamhi Udyogini’ is a trust established 20 years back on 8th March 1997. This organization was formed with the sole intention of women empowerment, a dream and vision of founder member Mrs. Meenal Mohadikar.

On 15thNovember, 2019 the Networking Facility was inaugurated at the hands of the Founder member, Mrs. Meenal Mohadikar, who also delivered talk on “SWOT Analysis" and how it is important for an Entrepreneur.



Academic Year – 2018-19

Guest lecture on “How to be an Women Entrepreneur” by Amhi Udhyogini(16th October, 2018)

To create Entrepreneur a guest lecture was organized on 16th October, 2018 in association with Aamhi Udyogini Prathishthan’. The guest speakers of the day were Ms. Meenal Mohadikar, President, Aamhi Udyogini Pratisthan, Mumbai, Dr. Smita Raste, Dr. Smita’s Herbal Laboratories, Ms. Aparna Kulkarni, Neel Beverages Pvt. Ltd. and Ms. Meenal Zende, Yadnya Associates




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