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International Conference(ICAIM) – 2019

International Conference ICAIM – 2019

Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Association of Medical Consultants (AMC) and Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (MACCIA) jointly organized International Conference on Advances in Information Technology & Management (ICAIM 2019) based on theme “Leveraging Information Technology for Waste Management in Agriculture & Medicine” on February 16-17, 2019 at Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research.

ICAIM 2019 was a unique interdisciplinary International Conference that makes a genuine effort to bring stakeholders from fields of Agriculture, Healthcare and Information Technology (IT) on a common platform to deliberate and discuss about agro-waste and bio-medical waste management.

About 250 delegates and intellectuals from fields of Agriculture, Healthcare and IT participated in the conference to exchange the ideas on waste management in agriculture and medicine.

The conference was inaugurated on 16 February 2019, by the Chief Guest – Mr. Santosh Mandlecha, President, MACCIA and started with the unveiling of the Conference Proceedings by the Chief Guest in presence of Mr. Milind Prabhu, State Coordinator, MACCIA, Ms. Sunita Phalgune, State Coordinator, MACCIA, Mr. V. N. Datta, Advisor, Thakur Educational Group and Dr. Vinita Gaikwad, Director, TIMSCDR.

The programme was enriched with talks from invited speakers Mr. Ajay Adate, Agri. Consultant on “Use of Agro Waste”, Mr. Suhas Mhaskar, CIO, Octave on “IT in Agriculture”, Mr. Rajendra Bhat, Agro. Counsultant on “Managing Agro-Waste at the Farm”, Mr. Sanjay Bhayade, Proprietor, Sanjeev Krishi on “Agro-waste Management – There is nothing like Waste”, Mr. Hafiz Ansari, Director, Envirocare Recycling Pvt. Ltd on “e-waste Management”, Dr. Atul Mohod, Professor, Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth on “Agro-Waste Management – Indian Scenario”, Dr. Lavesh Jadhav on “Use of Agro-Waste for generating renewable Energy” and Mr. Marcin, Bin-e, Poland on “Technology for Waste Management” followed by panel discussion on “ Agro-Waste Management in India – Truth and Myth”. The panelists were Ms. Rasika Phatak, Agro Conusultant, Mr. Sanjay Bhayade, Mr. Rajendra Bhat, Mr. Jayant Joshi, Mr. Pratap Chiplunkar and Mr. Milind Prabhu.

The second day of the conference was inaugurated by Chief Guest – Dr. Vipin Checker, President, AMC and started with the unveiling of the workshop book “Digitally Connected to my Patient” in presence of Dr. Rajiv Desai, Treasurer, CSI, Mumbai, Dr. Sushmita Bhatnagar, Hon. Secretary, AMC and Dr. Vinita Gaikwad, Director, TIMSCDR.

The different eminent personalities who shared their insights on bio-medical waste management were Dr. Aashish Mody on “Use of Mobile Apps by Doctors to increase their Clinical Productivity”, Mr. Harsh Parikh, IIM Bangalore on “Digital Health – A Patient Perspective”, Mr. Jerry Thomas, CEH, Trainer and Analyst on “Impact of Cyber Security on Medical Practice”, Prof. Vidhyadhar Walavalkar, VPMs Polytechnic on “Technology in handling Biomedical Waste”. This was followed by panel discussion on “Impact of Social Media in the day to day practice of a doctor” by Dr. Sushmita Bhatnagar, Dr. Vivek Bhartiyar, Dr. Vivek Dwiwedi, Mr. Sanjay Bapna, Ms. Soumita Pal, Mr. Nikhil Talwar, Mr. Bhavin Gandhi, Mr. Suhit Kapur and Dr. Rajesh Kapur.

The conference also comprised of a training workshop conducted for doctors on “Digitally Connected to my Patients” on 17 February 2019. The major topics covered in the workshop were:

  • Omnichannel Communication
  • Videos: A Big Online Communication Trend
  • Live Facebook Session – Live Engagement
  • Latest Trends in Digital Marketing – Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Augmented Reality.

This will help doctors in creating their own presence in the digital world.

The research paper presentations by scholars and workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) were part of the pre-conference sessions scheduled from 11-14 February 2019.

ICAIM-2019 Proceeding contains 121 research papers on inter-disciplinary subjects selected after a rigorous review process by a highly skilled and diverse review committee and the papers were presented before the eminent professionals from the sectors of Agriculture, Healthcare and IT.

The IoT workshop for the students was conducted by IoT team of TIMSCDR. During the workshop participants were introduced about the basics of IoT and got acquainted with the hardware like Arduino and Raspberry pi. The participants were trained on various technologies such as Python and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a part of Basic and Advanced IoT workshop.

Best Research Paper Award

Faculty Category:

A research paper on “Impetus by Information Technology for Sustainable Agriwaste Management through Biogas Reactors” authored by Dr. Aparna Deshmukh and Ms. Shweta Sharma.

Student Category:

1st Prize: “A Study on Agricultural Waste Management using ICT” authored by Mr. Devnath Jayaswal

2nd Prize: “Managing Waste Underground “ authored by Ms. Saif Anssari, students from second year MCA, TIMSCDR.

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