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International Conference(ICAIM) – 2017

Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR) in association with Association of Medical Consultants (AMC), Mumbai organized an International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Management (ICAIM-2017) titled “Leveraging Information Technology for Inter-Sectoral Research” from 17 to 19 February 2017.

About 500 delegates and intellectuals from the Institutions of Basic Sciences, Medical, Pharmaceutical Science and Industry participated in the conference for the exchange of ideas and to discuss and deliberate on the issues pertaining to readiness and challenges of usage of IT in research in their respective sectors.

ICAIM 2017 emphasized upon Inter sectoral research happening in three sectors that is Basic Sciences, Industry and Medicine and TIMSCDR made a genuine attempt to study and understand the research culture in higher education institutions in the metropolitan city of Mumbai in India. The conference was inaugurated by the Chief Guest – Prof. Dr. G. D. Yadav, VC, ICT (Institute of Chemical Technology), Mumbai

The conference started with the unveiling of the Conference Proceeding by the Chief Guest in presence of Mr.Lalit Singhal, Head Finance & Accounting, VP, Lupin, Mr.Sudhanshu Ojha, GM, D-Link Academy, India & SAARC and Dr. Vinita Gaikwad, Director, TIMSCDR and other dignitaries. The ICAIM-2017 Proceeding contains 111 papers selected after a rigorous review process by a highly skilled and diverse review committee. The welcome speech was given by Director Dr. Vinita Gaikwad and she shared the research findings of three sectors. Chief Guest Dr. G. D. Yadav shared his deep insight and vast experience and spoke at length on how IT can help to improve research work at various levels and to varied extent.

The programme was enriched with talks from invited speakers that included Dr. Nimita Limaye, CEO & Principal Consultant, Nymro Clinical Consulting Services on Role of IT in Clinical Research, Dr. Arun Pandey, Consultant & Director, Datamatrix Infotech on IT in Water : Research to Impact, Mr. A. Vaidheesh, Vice President, South Asia and Managing Director, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals on Disruptive Innovations in Healthcare Trends, Dr Mehul Shukla, President, ICC, Lowe LinHealth on Big Data Analytics in Healthcare and many more.

The research paper presentations by scholars and workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) conducted by TIMSCDR were part of the pre-conference schedule. More than 100 research papers were presented on inter-disciplinary subjects judged by eminent professionals from the sectors of Basic Science, Industry, IT and Healthcare. The IoT workshop for the students was also conducted as a part of the Conference. During workshop participants got acquainted with hands on activities and worked on hardware like Arduino and Raspberry pi. The participants were exposed to the various technologies such as Python and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a part of Basic and Advanced IoT workshop.

Training workshops were also conducted for the doctors on the third day of the conference. Workshops covered the topics on Cashless Transactions, Social Networking, Google Features, Presentation & Videos to visually demonstrate certain medical situations etc. Doctors found the training very useful for their daily work and research activities.

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