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Institution Innovation Council (IIC)

TIMSCDR, recognized as the best institute for MCA, has established IIC in the Academic Year 2018-2019.

In the year 2019, the Ministry of Education (MoE) through MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) launched the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) program in collaboration with AICTE for Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to systematically foster the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem in education institutions. Primarily, IIC’s role is to engage large number of faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, Problem solving, Proof of Concept development, Design Thinking, IPR, project handling and management at Pre-incubation/Incubation stage, etc., so that innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem gets established and stabilized in HEIs.

Major Focus of IIC

  • To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem
  • Start-up/ entrepreneurship supporting Mechanism in HEIs
  • Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-incubation of Ideas
  • Develop better Cognitive Ability amongst Technology Students

Functions of IIC

  • Promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campus
  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bounded fashion.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc., with the involvement of industries.


  • Engage faculty members and students in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as Ideation, Problem Solving, Proof of Concept Development, Design Thinking, IPR, Project Handling and Management.
  • Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.

IIC at TIMSCDR consists of the following members:

Sr. Name of Member Member Type(Teaching/Non-teaching/External Expert) Key Role/Position Assigned in IIC
1. Dr. Vinita Gaikwad Director-TIMSCDR HOI, TIMSCDR
2. Ms.Thara Chakkingal Assistant Professor President, IIC
3. Ms.Shweta Waghmare Assistant Professor Convener, IIC
4. Ms.Mira Gohil Assistant Professor Coordinator , IPR
5. Dr.Padma Mishra Assistant Professor Innovation
6. Mr.Brijesh Pandey Assistant Professor Internship
7. Ms.Anamika Dhawan Assistant Professor Yukti Coordinator
8. Ms.Kinjal Doshi Assistant Professor Social Media
9. Ms.Rohini Bagul Assistant Professor Start-up
10 Dr.Suresh Shan External Expert
11 Mr.Vishal Sanghavi External Expert

Roles and Responsibilities of the President

  1. He/ She will lead the IIC Council.
  2. He/ She will have the IIC portal Login ID and will be the custodian of IIC portal login and data/ reports uploaded therein.
  3. He/ She will call the meetings, set meeting agenda and will monitor the deliverable.
  4. He/ She will be the main point of contact with MHRD Innovation Cell.
  5. He/ She will respond to all communication from IIC National Coordination team (MHRD Innovation Cell) and will be responsible to ensure decent performance of IIC.
  6. He/ She will coordinate with the MHRD innovation cell and be responsible for all the IIC activities in the institute.
  7. He/ She will ensure Institution’s participation in IIC calendar activity and take lead in the institution-driven activities (own initiatives).
  8. He/ She will ensure the effective implementation of IIC activities with the help of the Convenor.
  9. He/ She could change the council members as per the decision taken in council meetings and update the information on the portal.
  10. He/ She will be responsible for submitting the progress/activity reports on the IIC portal.

Roles and Responsibilities of Vice-President

  1. To build and strengthen the in-house mentor pool and human resource capacity to drive campus Innovation & Entrepreneurship activities.
  2. Identifying, handholding and guiding potential/early-stage entrepreneurs, and student innovators at the Institute on regular basis.
  3. To Develop a critical mass of motivated students & faculties with creative potential, and Entrepreneurial orientation & skill set.
  4. Commercialization of innovations through technology transfer, technology licensing andStartups, etc.
  5. To build infrastructure support and facilities to promote innovation and enable an environment of easy access to resources within and outside the institute.
  6. To strengthen the intra and interinstitutional partnership and collaboration with the ecosystem at different level and creation of new program interventions

Roles and Responsibilities of Convener

  1. The Convener will work in close coordination with IIC president and will provide help wherever required for the smooth conduct of activities.
  2. He/ She will ensure participation in the meeting and will prepare the meeting agenda at least 10 days prior to meeting with the inputs from all valuable council members and President.
  3. Maintain documentation of the proceedings like meeting photos, Minutes of Meetings, Meeting Video has to uploaded to Institution YouTube Channel and the link has to be shared with competent authorities and any other proof.
  4. He/ She will ensure that the internal examination dates will not interfere with the IIC activities and coordinate with all departments to ensure the same.
  5. He/ She will collect the inputs from all the members of the council at regular intervals, especially external members for better planning of IIC activities and effective delivery of results.

Roles and Responsibilities of Social Media Coordinator

  1. Will create and manage IIC page/account on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and other relevant social media platforms.
  2. He / She will be responsible for posting all the relevant information about council meeting resolution and action plan, IIC activities and follow/tag MIC/IIC page and posts on these platforms.
  3. He/ She will also ensure that all students follow MIC/IIC page/account on social media to get first-hand information.

Roles and Responsibilities of Members

  1. Ensure the Institution’s Innovation Council’s logo and the words “in association with Institution’s Innovation Council, Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India”, is included in the brochure compulsorily for all the academic activities of their respective departments like webinars, seminars and workshops related to Industry Interaction, Startup, Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation / Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs).
  2. Establish Innovation Clubs for students with facilities and equipment for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I & E) activities in their respective departments.
  3. Developing an Innovative and Entrepreneurial mindset through workshops, awareness, market outreach events, orientation, advocacy meetings, campus hackathons, and networking events (Intra and Interinstitutional, enablers, stakeholders).
  4. Encourage faculty and students to pursue research studies related to Entrepreneurship.
  5. Develop short-term certificate courses on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  6. Convince departments to offer Major or Minor Specializations or credit courses related to Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I & E) and IPR
  7. Organize Employment Generation skill development programs of minimum 30 contact hours of duration.
  8. Organize entrepreneurial skill development / employment generating programmes for external participants (local residents, community members, alumni etc.)
  9. Coordinate with IPR Cell to generate revenue from patents, copyrights, trade secrets and others.
  10. Obtain grants from Government, Non-Govt, CSR Bodies towards promoting and supporting innovations.

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