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Participation in Hackathon @ Flair Labs on 27 – 28 October 2023

Few faculty and students of TIMSCDR visited Flair Labs on 27 – 28 October 2023 and participated in the Hackathon competition arranged by them for their employees. Faculty and students were part of their teams and were involved in the entire process of developing the product for the given problem statement. It gave faculty and students an insight into the entire project life cycle and helped them understand Industry perspective in developing solutions.

Smart India Hackathon

Smart India Hackathon 2017 is a national coding competition organized by Government of India along with AICTE where almost more than 1000 colleges across India participated and gave different innovative ideas to the social and national problems faced by various ministries under government of India. TIMSCDR team tyros got selected for the final round amongst 6 team participated from home and around 50 teams under ministry of AYUSH. Team went to the nodal center Hubli Karnataka for final round participation where students and faculties learned a lot and got great platform towards outer world communication. Overall Smart India Hackethon was a great initiative and a successful event where TIMSCDR participated proudly under Ministry of Ayush.

TIMSCDR-Smart India Hackathon TIMSCDR-Smart India Hackathon

TIMSCDR-Smart India Hackathon TIMSCDR-Smart India Hackathon

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